Prom Skin Survival Guide

Duly Aes­thet­ics has the per­fect plan to get your skin in shape for prom! Our licensed estheti­cians share their top 4 skin­care tips and our Prom Skin Care Work­out Guide”!

Tip #1
Get your skin in shape with a skin­care rou­tine: It is very impor­tant that you are wash­ing your face morn­ing and night ensur­ing your skin is free of any pos­si­ble sit­u­a­tions for those unwant­ed break­outs. We offer com­pli­men­ta­ry con­sul­ta­tions at Belleza so please stop in so our tal­ent­ed estheti­cians can help you pick out your skin­care rou­tine designed just for you.

Tip #2
A health­i­er way to get glow­ing, bronzed skin for prom is a cus­tom air­brush Fan­ta­sy tan. Tan­ning beds increase your risk of melanoma by 75% and age your skin sig­nif­i­cant­ly. You should have a spray tan done twice before prom. The first so you can test out the tan and find exact­ly what col­or you are look­ing for. The sec­ond tan should be done 2 days before prom.

Tip# 3
If con­gest­ed or acne-prone skin is an issue for you, a Der­ma­l­in­fu­sion SilkPeel or Hydrafa­cial treat­ment is rec­om­mend­ed 1 week before your prom. This treat­ment will exfo­li­ate the skin while deliv­er­ing a top­i­cal serum to help com­bat those prob­lem issues with your skin. You will have no down­time with this treat­ment leav­ing your skin look­ing radiant!

Tip# 4
If you plan on wax­ing or thread­ing your eye­brows, it is rec­om­mend­ed to have those treat­ments done 4 – 7 days pri­or to your big event.

Here is a break­down of your Prom Skin Care Workout!

2 – 4 Weeks before:

1.) Get on a designed skin­care prod­uct routine

2.) Have your first Fan­ta­sy tan to make sure you find the per­fect nat­ur­al color

1 Week Before:

1.) Clear up your skin with a Der­ma­l­in­fu­sion SilkPeel/​Hydrafacial treatment

2.) Wax­ing or threading

2 Days before:

1.) Final Fan­ta­sy Tan

Prom Day:

Wow your date and your friends with your flaw­less look!

Give us a call to sched­ule with one of tal­ent­ed estheti­cians today!

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