Rhinoplasty Is Not Just for Looks: 3 Benefits of Rhinoplasty

Rhino­plas­ty — or a nose job — is often asso­ci­at­ed with improved appear­ance. But there are oth­er health ben­e­fits to this pro­ce­dure. Here are 3 of them.

Your nose is a cen­tral part of your face, mak­ing it a key aspect of your appear­ance. It also plays a role in a crit­i­cal bio­log­i­cal process — breath­ing. By fil­ter­ing, clean­ing, warm­ing, and moist­en­ing the air that enters your body, your nose helps air move through your res­pi­ra­to­ry sys­tem and helps you breathe. Your nose also gives you a sense of smell and, because of this, allows you to enjoy the fla­vor of foods. 

This small but mighty body part does a lot for you. But some­times, peo­ple encounter issues with their nose, like bro­ken bones, breath­ing prob­lems, or sim­ply dis­lik­ing how it looks. To address these con­cerns, some turn to a pro­ce­dure called rhinoplasty. 

Rhino­plas­ty — often referred to as a nose job — is a sur­gi­cal pro­ce­dure to change the size or shape of your nose. While it’s com­mon­ly asso­ci­at­ed with improv­ing your appear­ance, rhino­plas­ty can also be func­tion­al and address oth­er health issues. Here are 3 ben­e­fits of this procedure. 

1. Rhino­plas­ty can fix a bro­ken nose. 

Like oth­er bones in your body, the bones and car­ti­lage in your nose can break or frac­ture. This is often due to a car acci­dent, sports injury, fall, or oth­er com­pa­ra­ble trau­ma. Nose frac­tures are com­mon, and they account for up to 50% of facial fractures. 

Severe cas­es of a bro­ken nose may require rhino­plas­ty, which puts your nasal bones and car­ti­lage back in their right place, cre­at­ing a new nose shape. Rhino­plas­ty can also relieve breath­ing prob­lems caused by a break or fracture. 

2. Rhino­plas­ty can fix a devi­at­ed septum. 

Your sep­tum is the car­ti­lage and bone that sep­a­rates your nasal cav­i­ty into two. This is what cre­ates your two nos­trils. If your sep­tum is sig­nif­i­cant­ly off-cen­ter, you have what’s called a devi­at­ed sep­tum

Some devi­a­tion is nor­mal — and up to 80% of peo­ple have at least a lit­tle devi­a­tion. Many don’t real­ize it because it doesn’t cause any symp­toms. How­ev­er, if it’s severe enough, it can lead to breath­ing prob­lems, headaches, noisy breath­ing, snor­ing, and sleep apnea

Devi­at­ed sep­tums can also wors­en chron­ic sinusi­tis, which leads to chron­ic swelling and inflam­ma­tion of your sinus­es (spaces inside your nose and head). This con­di­tion can lead to infec­tions, trou­ble breath­ing, and ten­der­ness around your eyes. 

Rhino­plas­ty is used to open blocked nasal pas­sages that can be caused by a devi­at­ed sep­tum, help­ing to relieve prob­lems relat­ed to the deviation. 

If you have symp­toms that may be caused by a devi­at­ed sep­tum, make an appoint­ment with a Duly Facial Plas­tics & Recon­struc­tive Sur­geon or Oto­laryn­gol­o­gist to deter­mine if rhino­plas­ty can help. 

3. Rhino­plas­ty can improve your self-esteem. 

Because of the promi­nence of your nose, how it looks can have a sig­nif­i­cant impact on how you feel about your appear­ance. Rhino­plas­ty can improve the appear­ance of your nose and, in turn, boost your self-esteem. 

Rhino­plas­ty can address the fol­low­ing issues relat­ed to your nose: 

  • The size of your nose rel­a­tive to the rest of your face 
  • The width of your nose at the bridge 
  • Bumps or depres­sions on your nose (which cre­ate your nose profile) 
  • A large, upturned, hooked, or droop­ing nasal tip 
  • Large, wide, or upturned nostrils 
  • An asym­met­ri­cal nose

While there’s no such thing as a per­fect nose, rhino­plas­ty can improve facial bal­ance and pro­por­tion relat­ed to your nose. As a result, you’ll feel less self-con­scious about your nose — and more con­fi­dent in how you look. 

Treat­ing a Range of Nose Issues With Rhinoplasty 

There are a num­ber of rea­sons you might ben­e­fit from rhino­plas­ty. From func­tion­al­i­ty to appear­ance, your nose plays an impor­tant role in life. Prob­lems like breath­ing issues, pain, and being unhap­py with your appear­ance can cause minor frus­tra­tions or severe­ly dis­rupt your life. 

Rhino­plas­ty is a high­ly indi­vid­u­al­ized pro­ce­dure, mean­ing it’s adapt­ed to your con­cerns and goals. Whether you’re seek­ing to address health issues or feel bet­ter about how you look, rhino­plas­ty can help improve your day-to-day life. 

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