Say Goodbye To Your Double Chin

Did you know that 1 in 4 peo­ple are both­ered by sub­men­tal full­ness also known as a dou­ble chin”? Though many peo­ple diet and exer­cise, the dou­ble chin is a very dif­fi­cult area to reduce or elim­i­nate. Sub­men­tal full­ness is not always caused by weight, some­times genet­ics or age can be con­tribut­ing fac­tors. If you aren’t ready, or are weary of lipo­suc­tion, Kybel­la® might be the right solu­tion for you.

Kybel­la® is an injectable prod­uct that uses deoxy­cholic acid, an enzyme that our bod­ies already pro­duce, to break down fat cells per­ma­nent­ly to help you achieve your desired chin pro­file. The goal of Kybel­la injec­tions is to elim­i­nate fat resis­tant to exer­cise, achieve a defined jaw line, plus look lighter and younger.

Kybel­la® is a per­ma­nent non-sur­gi­cal, FDA-approved injectable pro­duced by Aller­gan (the mak­ers of Botox® Cos­met­ic) and has been researched in more than 20 clin­i­cal tri­als. The num­ber of treat­ments varies based on a person’s chin pro­file. For mild to mod­er­ate full­ness, a patient usu­al­ly receives two treat­ments spaced two months apart. Treat­ment ses­sions take about 15 – 20 min­utes each and con­sist of mul­ti­ple small injec­tions under­neath the chin. Pain is min­i­mal and gen­er­al­ly patients ice pri­or to injec­tions to alle­vi­ate any antic­i­pat­ed pain. There is no down­time after a Kybel­la treat­ment. Most com­mon side effects include swelling, numb­ness, ten­der­ness to the injec­tion site and min­i­mal bruis­ing which usu­al­ly sub­sides with­in a week. 

Kybel­la® is an excel­lent option for many patients who are self-con­scious about the fat under­neath their chin. Kybel­la elim­i­nates sub­men­tal full­ness with­out hav­ing to under­go a sur­gi­cal pro­ce­dure. Even if you gain weight in the future, you will not see your neck pro­file increase because the cells have already been bro­ken down.

To find out if Kybel­la® is right for you, or to dis­cuss oth­er sub­men­tal fat reduc­tion solu­tions, please con­tact our office at 630−348−3000.

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