Skincare For Tweens & Teens – It’s Time to Simplify

The essen­tial skin­care guide for tweens and teens

Has social media influ­enced your skin­care-lov­ing tweens and teens? Are they beg­ging for trips to their favorite beau­ty and cos­met­ic store every week­end? With the flood of influ­encers focused on the lat­est, great­est and some­times most expen­sive skin­care prod­ucts, it’s easy to see why our kids are spend­ing so much time shop­ping for their skin. 

Despite the over­whelm­ing array of prod­ucts online, tween and teen skin is already youth­ful and vibrant and only needs a few essen­tial prod­ucts each day. We love a per­fect­ly curat­ed skin­care prod­uct line­up as much as the next skin­care lover, but it’s not about how much they spend or the brands on the bot­tles, rather it’s adopt­ing a con­sis­tent rou­tine to keep their skin healthy. 

Estheti­cian, Lucy Berg, LE is div­ing into the chef’s kiss of skin­care prod­ucts for your tweens and teens. 

Clean­ers for Teens: Start­ing with the Basics 

Their skin is young and fab­u­lous, and it needs gen­tle care. Their cleanser should be an easy­go­ing friend – reli­able but nev­er over­bear­ing. And for those with acne trou­bles, pick a gel cleanser with Sal­i­cylic Acid to help reduce blem­ish­es and clear blackheads. 

Our favorite cleanser for teens: Duly Ultra Gen­tle Cleanser

Our favorite cleanser for teens with acne: Duly 2/2 Cleanser

Mois­tur­iz­ers for Teens: Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate 

Post-cleans­ing, the skin needs hydra­tion. It’s cru­cial for main­tain­ing healthy skin, just like ensur­ing they drink enough water. A good mois­tur­iz­er keeps their skin nour­ished and balanced. 

Our favorite mois­tur­iz­er for teens: Duly Ultra Lite Mois­tur­iz­er

Sun­screen for Teens: Their Every­day Armor 

Edu­cat­ing your kids about sun pro­tec­tion is as impor­tant as teach­ing them to look both ways before cross­ing the street. A good sun­screen shields their skin from harm­ful UV rays, mak­ing it more valu­able than any oth­er serum or mask they may want to pick up. 

Our favorite sun­screen for teens: EltaMD UV Clear Broad-Spec­trum SPF 46

A Lit­tle Extra: Serums for the Serum-Curious 

Now, about serums – extra ingre­di­ents like retinol, acids and oils are not nec­es­sary for tweens and teens and can typ­i­cal­ly cause irri­ta­tion, rash­es, acne and sun sen­si­tiv­i­ty on their youth­ful skin. But, if they’re curi­ous and insist on try­ing the next best serum, look for some­thing with a touch of vit­a­min C or hyaluron­ic acid. It may give a lit­tle extra glow and won’t over­whelm their skin. 

Bot­tom Line: You Do You” But Keep It Simple 

Their skin is already amaz­ing. Social media might tempt them to try every prod­uct under the sun, but their skin doesn’t need all that. Encour­age them to stick to the basics – cleanse, mois­tur­ize and protect. 

If you need a lit­tle back­up when it comes to encour­ag­ing them to min­i­mize their rou­tine, our team of estheti­cians will help them feel con­fi­dent in their skin­care choic­es dur­ing a com­pli­men­ta­ry con­sul­ta­tion. Book a con­sul­ta­tion with an estheti­cian online today >

Health Topics:

  • I believe giving my patients a thorough consult and educating them on what is happening with their skin is vital.