Refresh Your Skincare Routine for Spring

What You Can Do To Get Your Skin Ready For Warmer Weather

As the days get longer and the tem­per­a­ture climbs high­er, we’re men­tal­ly ready for spring but our skin is still in win­ter mode. Your skin may feel dry, scaly and rough as well as undernourished.

A long, cold win­ter can wreak hav­oc on your skin. Between the dry, heat­ed air in our homes and the cold harsh ele­ments out­side, it’s no won­der your skin feels slug­gish and dehy­drat­ed. Our expert estheti­cians have a few sim­ple sug­ges­tions to perk up your skin and refresh your skin­care rou­tine for Spring.

See your esthetician

If you’re not sure where to begin or need rec­om­men­da­tions on which prod­ucts would best suit your skin, make an appoint­ment to see one of your favorite licensed estheticians.

Refresh your skin­care rou­tine with your Duly Aes­thet­ics team today > 


The first order of busi­ness is to remove the top lay­er of dead skin. See­ing your estheti­cian for a chem­i­cal peel, like the VI Peel® or Melan­age Peel™, is a great way to start. These ser­vices pro­vide an essen­tial boost to get your skin on the right track by gen­tly exfo­li­at­ing the dry, dehy­drat­ed lay­er of skin, improv­ing hydra­tion, stim­u­lat­ing col­la­gen pro­duc­tion and allow­ing for bet­ter pen­e­tra­tion of your skin­care products.

Vit­a­min C

With the sun start­ing to heat things up, Vit­a­min C is essen­tial in pro­tect­ing your skin from free rad­i­cal dam­age. Vit­a­min C also helps replen­ish essen­tial lipids to enhance the skin’s bar­ri­er func­tion. Stud­ies show that adding a prop­er Vit­a­min C prod­uct along with a good sun­screen gives added pro­tec­tion against sunburn.

Learn more about how to incor­po­rate Vit­a­min C in your skin­care rou­tine, plus a few of our favorite Vit­a­min C skin­care products >


Dry win­ter skin accen­tu­ates fine lines and wrin­kles, so rehy­dra­tion is essen­tial. Hyaluron­ic Acid prod­ucts such as Skin Medica’s HA5 Reju­ve­nat­ing Hydra­tor or Revision’s Hydrat­ing Serum help your skin retain water, there­fore hydrat­ing and plump­ing it. Our team also loves to rec­om­mend the sooth­ing, mois­tur­iz­ing, non-irri­tat­ing HydraFa­cial® for clear­er more beau­ti­ful skin after a long cold spell. 


Mois­tur­iz­ers help to repair the skin by seal­ing in your mois­ture, help­ing to pre­vent water loss. Dur­ing the cold, dry months, you’ve been using thick, heavy mois­tur­iz­ers to lock in the hydra­tion. While it’s still cru­cial to prop­er­ly hydrate in the warmer months, Spring calls for a light­weight, non-greasy moisturizer. 


Sun expo­sure is also one of the lead­ing caus­es of pre­ma­ture aging and can lead to pig­men­ta­tion prob­lems and skin can­cer. Stud­ies show that sun­screens con­tain­ing Zinc Oxide and/​or Tita­ni­um Diox­ide cre­ate a com­plete phys­i­cal block pre­vent­ing the sun’s rays from reach­ing your skin. If there is one MUST-HAVE in any skin­care rou­tine, it’s a dai­ly sun­screen. We love these light­weight, every­day sun­screen products: 

Browse all of our sun pro­tec­tion products > 

Tak­ing prop­er care of your skin ear­ly on makes it much eas­i­er to pre­vent skin issues and aging ahead of time, rather than hav­ing to try and reverse any dam­age already done.

Need help reju­ve­nat­ing your skin­care rou­tine for Spring? Request an appoint­ment with our licensed estheti­cians today >

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