The Head-to-Toe Benefits of Bariatric Surgery

Obe­si­ty is a chron­ic, neu­robe­hav­ioral dis­ease that affects over 30 per­cent of adults in the Unit­ed States today. You are con­sid­ered obese if your Body Mass Index (BMI) score, which com­pares your height to weight ratio, is 30 or high­er. Over­time, car­ry­ing excess weight increas­es your risk of devel­op­ing oth­er health con­di­tions like dia­betes, high blood pres­sure and sleep apnea.

If you have been unsuc­cess­ful in achiev­ing or main­tain­ing a healthy weight using diet and lifestyle mod­i­fi­ca­tions, you may want to con­sid­er addi­tion­al treat­ment options, includ­ing bariatric (weight loss) surgery.

In addi­tion to being one of the most effec­tive, long-last­ing ways to treat obe­si­ty and achieve your weight loss goals, bariatric surgery pro­vides health ben­e­fits that go well beyond weight loss. Bariatric sur­geon, Jihad Kudsi, MD, shares some of the most com­mon health ben­e­fits fol­low­ing a weight loss surgery.

Bariatric Surgery can help sig­nif­i­cant­ly improve or resolve symp­toms of oth­er weight-relat­ed con­di­tions including:

Fol­low­ing bariatric surgery, most patients expe­ri­ence a sig­nif­i­cant improve­ment in their qual­i­ty of life, even before they have achieved their desired weight loss goal.

Car­ry­ing addi­tion­al weight for a pro­longed peri­od of time can have a sig­nif­i­cant impact on your over­all health. Because of this, it is impor­tant to take steps to get your weight, and your health, under con­trol. Click here to learn more about treat­ment options and sup­port ser­vices offered through our Weight Loss Clin­ic, includ­ing bariatric surgery.