The Science Behind Hair Loss Treatment

Nor­mal hair loss is con­sid­ered to be 100 to 150 strands per day. If you expe­ri­ence a high­er amount of hair loss, you may have male- or female-pat­tern hair loss. There can be many caus­es of hair loss includ­ing phys­i­cal stress, preg­nan­cy, cer­tain pre­scrip­tion med­ica­tions, vit­a­min defi­cien­cy, autoim­mune dis­or­ders and hered­i­tary caus­es. Platelet-rich plas­ma (PRP) hair treat­ment is a nat­ur­al, proven way to pro­mote hair growth in cer­tain types of hair loss.

The Treat­ment

PRP hair treat­ment involves your provider tak­ing a sam­ple of your blood so they can extract its plas­ma. Super­natant plas­ma, plas­ma rich in platelets, is cre­at­ed after your blood is spun in a cen­trifuge that sep­a­rates out the blood. The plas­ma is then inject­ed into your scalp in the areas expe­ri­enc­ing hair loss or thin­ning. The pro­ce­dure takes about 30 min­utes and can take about three to six months before you begin to see results. Some patients may require addi­tion­al ses­sions based on their desired outcome.

The Sci­ence

PRP treat­ment was orig­i­nal­ly used to treat mus­cle injuries because of its abil­i­ty to stim­u­late mus­cle growth and heal­ing. PRP then became wide­ly used in hair restora­tion as it also pro­mot­ed growth and heal­ing, except with­in hair fol­li­cles.
When plas­ma is iso­lat­ed from the oth­er parts of the blood, platelets become more concentrated1. The rich lev­el of platelets in the plas­ma encour­age cell growth when inject­ed into the scalp. PRP also increas­es blood sup­ply to hair fol­li­cles by repair­ing blood ves­sels near the injec­tion site to pro­mote hair growth.

If you’re expe­ri­enc­ing abnor­mal hair loss, PRP treat­ment may ben­e­fit you. To find out if you are a good can­di­date for PRP, you can sched­ule a con­sul­ta­tion with one of our doc­tors online or by call­ing your local DMGAesthetics.

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