Nohemi Herrera, MD

Family Medicine

47 Ratings
Practices In: Aurora
Patients Seen: All Ages

As a fam­i­ly med­i­cine physi­cian, my pri­ma­ry goal is to pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive, patient-cen­tered care to indi­vid­u­als and fam­i­lies of all ages. I believe in fos­ter­ing a long-term doc­tor-patient rela­tion­ship built on trust, hon­est and open com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and mutu­al respect. I view health­care holis­ti­cal­ly, con­sid­er­ing not just the phys­i­cal aspects of your health but also your emo­tion­al and social well-being. I strong­ly believe in the pow­er of pre­ven­tive med­i­cine and my prac­tice is root­ed in evi­dence-based med­i­cine. I stay cur­rent with the lat­est med­ical research and guide­lines to pro­vide you with the most up-to-date and effec­tive treat­ments. I under­stand that health­care can be daunt­ing at times, and I’m here to pro­vide not only med­ical exper­tise but also empa­thy and sup­port dur­ing your health jour­ney. If nec­es­sary, I’ll work close­ly with spe­cial­ists to ensure you receive the best pos­si­ble care. I’ll be your advo­cate, help­ing to coor­di­nate your health­care and ensure seam­less tran­si­tions between dif­fer­ent providers. I’m ded­i­cat­ed to work­ing with you to achieve and main­tain your opti­mal health. Togeth­er, we’ll cre­ate a per­son­al­ized health­care plan tai­lored to your spe­cif­ic needs and goals.

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Board Certifications
Family Medicine
Professional Certifications
Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Basic Life Support (BLS), Pediatric Advanced Life Support
English, Spanish
Clinical Interests

Pre­ven­ta­tive health­care, wom­en’s health, pedi­atric and ado­les­cent med­i­cine, chron­ic med­ical con­di­tions and health equity.

Personal Interests
I enjoy spend­ing time with my hus­band and chil­dren, as well as our extend­ed fam­i­ly and friends. I look for­ward to trav­el­ing and expe­ri­enc­ing new places and cul­tures. I like run­ning, binge-watch­ing TV shows, and organizing.
American Board of Family Medicine American Academy of Family Physicians Illinois Academy of Family Physicians
Edward Hospital
801 S. Washington St. Naperville, Illinois 60540 630-527-3000 Get Directions
University of Illinois College of Medicine University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago Graduation Date: 2020 Degree: MD
Northwestern McGaw Family Medicine Residency Program Resident in Family Medicine


Ratings Category

The Patient Satisfaction Rating score is an average of all responses to care provider related questions on our independent rating system, the Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Survey. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best score. Learn more about our patient satisfaction survey.

Patient Satisfaction Rating

47 Ratings

Likelihood of recommending this provider

47 Ratings

Provider included you in decisions

47 Ratings

Provider showed concern

47 Ratings

Provider explained things clearly

47 Ratings

Provider discussed treatment options

46 Ratings


Comments are collected in our Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Surveys. Patients are de-identified to protect confidentiality and patient privacy. Learn more about our patient satisfaction survey.
"Dr. Herrera really took her time & demonstrated genuine concern."
May. 28, 2024
"Very good attention from the doctor's assistant and Doctor Nohemi Herrera. Very professional, kind and attentive."
May. 24, 2024
"Dr. Herrera is great!"
May. 22, 2024
"I'm so happy with my Doctor and all the staff Very nice and professional."
May. 15, 2024
"The doctor was friendly and concerned that a solution would be met"
May. 15, 2024
"She is a wonderful provider who listens to all my concerns. Friendly, and does not make you feel anxious or at unease."
May. 15, 2024
"Very kind, thoughtful and professional."
May. 13, 2024
"Friendly and energetic staff."
May. 11, 2024
"It was my first time doing doctor visit thru the phone, and it took care of all my needs."
Jan. 5, 2024
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