Shianne Gilbert, OT

General Physical Therapy, Physical & Occupational Therapy

Practices In: Aurora, Naperville
Patients Seen: All Ages

My core val­ues when pro­vid­ing treat­ment are apply­ing evi­dence-based prac­tices that revolve around client-cen­tered care. I enjoy learn­ing about my patien­t’s goals, hob­bies, and inter­ests, and how occu­pa­tion­al ther­a­py can help them suc­ceed in all three of these areas.

Professional Certifications
CPR, BLS (American Heart Association)
Clinical Interests

Phys­i­cal reha­bil­i­ta­tion has been an inter­est of mine since my child­hood. I start­ed becom­ing pas­sion­ate about Occu­pa­tion­al Ther­a­py specif­i­cal­ly in my junior year of my under­grad­u­ate stud­ies at Michi­gan State Uni­ver­si­ty, and have been invest­ed ever since! I am specif­i­cal­ly pas­sion­ate about upper extrem­i­ty rehab, and help­ing patients achieve their goals they have for their hand, wrist, elbow, and shoulder.

Personal Interests

I enjoy spend­ing my time out­side of work hang­ing out with my hus­band and Gold­en Retriev­er, Miles. Although I moved to the Chicagoland area in 2018, my hus­band and I both were born and raised in West Michi­gan, so we fre­quent­ly trav­el back home to vis­it with fam­i­ly and enjoy all that The Mit­ten” has to offer. I enjoy camp­ing, trav­el­ing to new places, vis­it­ing new brew­eries, cheer­ing on Michi­gan State ath­let­ics, and spend­ing time with fam­i­ly and friends.

Michigan State University Graduation Date: 2018 Degree: Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology
North Central College Graduation Date: 2023 Degree: Master of Occupational Therapy