Revisionary Breast Surgery

Revi­sion­ary breast surgery is used to cor­rect or revise pri­or cos­met­ic or recon­struc­tive breast surgery. Revi­sion­ary breast surg­eries will be com­plete­ly cus­tomized based on your per­son­al needs and sit­u­a­tion. Patients who elect to have this type of pro­ce­dure do so for many rea­sons such as chang­ing the size or type of implant or to cor­rect complications/​changes (rip­pling, rup­tured implant, sym­mas­tia) result­ing from a pri­or surgery. 

Even if your breast implant surgery was per­fect­ly planned and beau­ti­ful­ly exe­cut­ed, changes can occur over time. Our over­all goal is to restore a youth­ful breast con­tour to give you the appear­ance you desire.