Colorectal Cancer

Col­orec­tal can­cer is can­cer that starts in the colon or rec­tum. It is most com­mon­ly caused by abnor­mal cells that accu­mu­late in the lin­ing of the colon that form polyps. Over time, these polyps become can­cer­ous. Some of the symp­toms of col­orec­tal can­cer include con­sti­pa­tion, diar­rhea, blood in the stool, bleed­ing, exces­sive gas, unex­plained weight loss and abdom­i­nal cramps and pain. Men and women over the age of 50 are at the high­est risk for colon can­cer. You also can have a increased risk if you have his­to­ry of colon polyps or bow­el dis­ease, are over­weight, drink heav­i­ly, have type 2 dia­betes or have a fam­i­ly his­to­ry of col­orec­tal cancer.