Can’t Fall Asleep? It May Be Your Sleep Environment

Take This Quiz to See If You Should Rethink Your Sleep Environment

You know that feel­ing. It’s been a long day and you’re exhaust­ed — but you still can’t fall asleep. Once you final­ly do, you’re con­stant­ly wak­ing up. Despite tech­ni­cal­ly being in bed for the rec­om­mend­ed 7 to 9 hours, you wake up feel­ing far from refreshed.

It’s nor­mal to have insom­nia — dif­fi­cul­ty falling or stay­ing asleep or get­ting high-qual­i­ty sleep — some­times. But chron­ic insom­nia (last­ing a month or more) can put you at risk for dia­betes, can­cer, and heart dis­ease. Even one night of bad insom­nia could cause day­time sleepi­ness and dif­fi­cul­ty pay­ing atten­tion the next day. With all of these risks, it’s crit­i­cal to make sure you get enough sleep.

Your sleep­ing envi­ron­ment can sig­nif­i­cant­ly affect your abil­i­ty to fall or stay asleep. So, how good is your environment? 

Strug­gling with insom­nia? Sched­ule an appoint­ment with a Duly Health and Care sleep med­i­cine provider to learn what you can do to improve your sleep.

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