Fantasy Tan®

Dis­cov­er the world’s most real­is­tic sun­less tan. Fan­ta­sy Tan works by spray­ing a spe­cial for­mu­la to pro­duce a nat­ur­al look­ing sun­less tan. Unlike oth­er sun­less tans, there’s no streaks or orange appear­ance. It’s com­plete­ly safe and ide­al for all skin types. 

  • Com­plete­ly safe and natural
  • No orange streaks
  • No streaks or unsight­ly skin col­or variations
  • No down­time, sim­ple and easy to apply


At Belleza, we under­stand the desire to look your best. For many, that has lead to hours tan­ning under the sun or lying on a tan­ning bed. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, this is harm­ful for the skin and can lead to pre­ma­ture aging. As an alter­na­tive, we offer ways to achieve a beau­ti­ful, nat­ur­al look with­out expos­ing your­self to the harm­ful rays of the sun or the dam­ag­ing UV rays asso­ci­at­ed with tan­ning beds.


  • Safe Tan­ning