
A mini-facelift is a pro­ce­dure per­formed on those who desire a tighter, more refined jaw­line only. Some­times known as an S‑Lift”, a mini-facelift is often the pro­ce­dure of choice for younger patients who are just begin­ning to notice droopy skin along their jaw­line and jowls. A mini-facelift dif­fers from a tra­di­tion­al facelift by hav­ing a short­er inci­sion and the tight­en­ing is done in a super­fi­cial tis­sue lay­er. This tech­nique min­i­mizes the risk of poten­tial com­pli­ca­tions and allows for a mini-facelift to be per­formed safe­ly in the office under local anes­the­sia. A mini-facelift can be done in con­junc­tion with lipo­suc­tion (chin area) to give the jaw­line even more def­i­n­i­tion. By remov­ing excess skin and tight­en­ing facial mus­cles you can achieve a more youth­ful look­ing jaw­line and profile.

Before & After


49 year old woman unhappy with her sagging jawline who had a mini-facelift with chin liposuction done in the office under local anesthetic. Mini-Facelift performed by Dr. Danahey.

*Individual results may vary.


58 year old woman unhappy with her sagging jawline who had a mini-facelift with chin liposuction done in the office under local anesthetic. Mini-Facelift performed by Dr. Danahey.

*Individual results may vary.


61 year old woman unhappy with her sagging jawline who had a mini-facelift with chin liposuction done in the office under local anesthetic. Mini-Facelift performed by Dr. Danahey.

*Individual results may vary.


*individual results may vary


Daniel G. Danahey, MD, PhD

It's been 2 years since my mini face-lift with Dr. Danahey. I love the results!! The Doctor and the staff made me feel welcome and comfortable. Dr. Danahey spent a lot of time explaining the procedure. HE IS THE BEST!!!! I drove almost 3 hours in a snow storm to see him... I would do it again!


Daniel G. Danahey, MD, PhD

Over the last few years I’ve noticed that my jaw line was sagging and making me look older. I was nervous about choosing the right doctor. I decided to go with Dr. Daniel Danahey. He was so approachable and explained all of my options. I decided to have a mini-facelift and I am very pleased with the result. Dr. Danahey was able to do my surgery under local anesthesia, which saved me money and also made it easier to recover. Tina was great in helping me to understand what to expect.