Billing & Finance

Nav­i­gat­ing your care at Duly 

Wel­come to Duly! Our team is ready to part­ner with you on your path to a health­i­er life, we believe health­i­er makes hap­pi­er. Here are some guide­lines and infor­ma­tion on how we deliv­er care and what you can expect from us.

Down­load our Patient Ser­vices Portal

We encour­age all of our patients to use our patient por­tal, the Duly Health and Care app, pow­ered by Epic. This mobile app gives you access to all of your health infor­ma­tion from your mobile device. You can view your appoint­ment sched­ule, review your vis­it sum­ma­ry, view test results, view and pay your bills, see instruc­tions for upcom­ing vis­its and read mes­sages from your care team. When sched­ul­ing your next vis­it, log into your account for quick and easy access to fol­low up with providers you have seen. 

Billing & Finan­cial Support

Our goal is to pro­vide our patients with time­ly, accu­rate billing for ser­vices. We can achieve this togeth­er and ask that you share infor­ma­tion with us as you sched­ule your appoint­ment in order to build your patient pro­file and keep it cur­rent; we will ask you to pro­vide and ver­i­fy infor­ma­tion includ­ing your address, phone num­ber, email address and insur­ance infor­ma­tion. This will ensure that we are com­mu­ni­cat­ing with you reg­u­lar­ly about your health, test results and account sta­tus, through a vari­ety of chan­nels. Typ­i­cal­ly, your first billing state­ment will be sent to you with­in 30 days of the date your ser­vice was pro­vid­ed. The state­ment will iden­ti­fy what was billed to your insur­ance and the amount that is your patient respon­si­bil­i­ty; this will also show pay­ments that you have made at the time of ser­vice. For your con­ve­nience, we accept most major cred­it cards, per­son­al checks, and cash. Pay­ment can be made on MyChart, at your doctor’s office, sent to us at the address below, or paid with cred­it card at our cus­tomer ser­vice line at (866) 734‑7680. You will also be noti­fied of bal­ance updates through the Duly Health and Care app and by email. Our goal is to reach you with this infor­ma­tion con­ve­nient­ly, so that you can keep your account up to date. 

Pay­ment address
Duly Health and Care 
15921 Col­lec­tions Cen­ter Drive 
Chica­go, IL 60693 

Please review your billing state­ments and con­tact Cus­tomer Ser­vice if you believe that your state­ment is not cor­rect if you need an expla­na­tion of the state­ment or wish to pro­vide us with updat­ed infor­ma­tion. Click here for a guide to under­stand­ing your billing statement.


Ensur­ing Duly has your most up to date insur­ance infor­ma­tion will make nav­i­gat­ing your care eas­i­er. You will be asked to ver­i­fy your insur­ance infor­ma­tion annu­al­ly, or each time you see a new provider with­in our group. This can be man­aged through our elec­tron­ic check-in process as well pri­or to your vis­it. Please vis­it our web­site for the most cur­rent list of insur­ance plans that we accept. To receive the high­est lev­el of ben­e­fits, please check with your health plan by call­ing the num­ber on the back of your insur­ance card to ver­i­fy provider par­tic­i­pa­tion pri­or to sched­ul­ing an appointment.

Paper­less Billing Statements 

We’re excit­ed to share that as of August 15, 2024, we will be mov­ing to paper­less billing state­ments to help you more effi­cient­ly receive your bal­ance and state­ments through email or text mes­sages and enable eas­i­er pay­ment options through your MyChart account. If you have a MyChart account, you will begin receiv­ing Paper­less Billing state­ments on 8/15/2024 through email, text mes­sage or app noti­fi­ca­tion based on your MyChart com­mu­ni­ca­tion preferences.

If you would like to update how you receive billing updates, log in to your MyChart account and vis­it Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Pref­er­ences to update your Billing notifications.

If you wish to receive paper state­ments, log in to your MyChart account and vis­it the Billing Sum­ma­ry to dis­able the Paper­less Preferences.

If you have any ques­tions about paper­less billing, please con­tact our MyChart Help Desk at 1−855−269−2427.

Updates to our Billing and Col­lec­tions Process 2/1/2023

We believe that finan­cial well­be­ing is a key com­po­nent of your over­all health. We have imple­ment­ed new tools that allow our team mem­bers to pro­vide you with an esti­mate for most ser­vices. Our care teams will pro­vide an esti­mate for most ser­vices that are sched­uled as a result of your vis­it (test­ing, pro­ce­dures, etc.). This esti­mate is based on your insur­ance cov­er­age and real time elec­tron­ic com­mu­ni­ca­tion (adju­di­ca­tion) that we have with your insur­ance com­pa­ny, it is crit­i­cal that your insur­ance infor­ma­tion is up to date in order to pro­vide you with cor­rect details.

Pay­ment Plan Terms

We offer pay­ment plans for patients who are not able to pay their bal­ance in full. Our team will work with you to set up a pay­ment plan.

Pay­ment plans will be estab­lished based on the total patient bal­ance out­stand­ing. The repay­ment terms will be estab­lished based on account bal­ance and patient finan­cial capa­bil­i­ties. Pay­ment plans can be set up on MyChart or by con­tact­ing Cus­tomer Ser­vice at 866−734−7680. Patients may be eli­gi­ble for finan­cial hard­ship assis­tance, to be con­sid­ered please con­tact Cus­tomer Ser­vice at 866−734−7680.

Missed Appoint­ment Policy

In cas­es where you are not able to make your sched­uled appoint­ment, we ask for the cour­tesy of at least 24 hours can­cel­la­tion of the appoint­ment so that we can make the time avail­able to anoth­er patient seek­ing care. Begin­ning July 1, 2024, you may be charged a $50 missed appoint­ment fee for clin­ic appoint­ments or a $125 missed pro­ce­dure fee for procedures. 

Request­ing Med­ical Records

Please note that some of the infor­ma­tion you are request­ing may be avail­able online in our patient por­tal, the Duly Health and Care app/​MyChart. To have a copy of your med­ical records sent to Duly Health and Care from anoth­er provider or facil­i­ty, please con­tact that provider directly. 

Duly Health and Care is unable to release records for Edward-Elmhurst Health­care. Please con­tact Edward-Elmhurst direct­ly for records relat­ed to your care received at either of those hos­pi­tals, or from EEH (Edward Elmhurst Hos­pi­tal) providers. For more infor­ma­tion, check out our web­site, Med­ical Record Requests or for ques­tions, call us at 1−630−873−8748.

Med­ica­tion Pre­scrip­tions and Refills 

We strive to address your med­ica­tion needs dur­ing your appoint­ments. We will ver­i­fy the med­ica­tions that you are cur­rent­ly tak­ing at each vis­it. If you need a refill, please allow 3 days for the refill to be com­plet­ed. In some cas­es, it may take longer if our office is wait­ing for an approval or a response from your insur­ance com­pa­ny. Reg­u­lar and peri­od­ic vis­its as rec­om­mend­ed by your provider will help make this process more seam­less and are nec­es­sary for ongo­ing med­ica­tion refills. 

Noti­fi­ca­tion regard­ing lab results 

Duly Health and Care is com­mit­ted to ensur­ing all our patients have the best access to their med­ical infor­ma­tion. Results from tests per­formed or col­lect­ed at Duly Health and Care loca­tions will be released to the Duly Health and Care (MyChart) app as soon as they are received. In some cas­es, results may be avail­able pri­or to clin­i­cal care teams being able to review those results. Rest assured, the care team will review all results and com­mu­ni­cate any fol­low-up instruc­tions. Lab results are returned at dif­fer­ent rates depend­ing on pro­cess­ing time, but it is not uncom­mon for these to take sev­er­al days. Should there be any ques­tions or con­cerns about the results, please log in to MyChart, nav­i­gate to Mes­sages, choose the Ask A Med­ical Ques­tion” mes­sage, and route the mes­sage to the provider who ordered the test.

Duly Health and Care app/​MyChart Messages

Exchang­ing mes­sages with your care team through the app is a con­ve­nient way to com­mu­ni­cate for non-urgent med­ical needs. This tool can be used for sim­ple ques­tions about test results, med­ica­tion refills and ques­tions about your recent vis­it. This tool should not be used for urgent issues, med­ical care or in replace­ment of a vis­it. MyChart mes­sages with your physi­cian may be eli­gi­ble for billing. Learn more about Med­ical Care Through MyChart messages.

Form Completion

Please allow 5 busi­ness days for com­ple­tion of forms (FMLA (Fam­i­ly Med­ical Leave Act), patient assis­tance, etc.). 

Con­tact Us

Sched­ul­ing — Sched­ule online or call 1 – 888-Duly­Now