Halo™ Laser

The Halo™ laser treat­ment tar­gets more pro­nounced lines and wrin­kles, such as around the eye or lip area or for more stub­born acne scar­ring and sun dam­age. This treat­ment goes deep into the skin and helps to stim­u­late new collagen. 

For those who have more pro­nounced or fur­rowed crow’s feet, and peri­o­ral wrin­kles that need deep­er atten­tion in cer­tain areas, mul­ti­ple treat­ments can be scheduled. 

Learn more about the Halo™ laser treat­ment by vis­it­ing The Halo™ Laser: An Inno­v­a­tive Approach to Laser Treatment.