Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)

This is a spe­cial pho­tore­ju­ve­na­tion treat­ment per­formed with the addi­tion of a top­i­cal agent called Lev­u­lan (5‑aminolevulinic acid or ALA). Your skin absorbs the Lev­u­lan which is acti­vat­ed by Clear Light (blue light). This gives you a more intense treat­ment to treat the skin can­cer lesions.

Excel­lent for treating:

Pre-can­cer­ous lesions of the skin (actinic keratosis)

Allow 1.5 to 2 hours for this treatment.

Physi­cian referral/​recommendation required.


This treat­ment is per­formed with a top­i­cal agent called Lev­u­lan, which is acti­vat­ed by light and laser sources. It is ide­al for treat­ing sun dam­aged skin, pre-can­cer­ous lesions, stub­born acne, fine lines, wrin­kles and rosacea. Our der­ma­tol­o­gists are experts in pho­to­dy­nam­ic ther­a­py treat­ments and have per­formed and pub­lished ground­break­ing research in this field.