Scar Revision

Why go through the expense and has­sle of using make­up and cloth­ing to hide scars? Our non-abla­tive laser cre­ates micro­scop­ic zones of ener­gy to destroy altered and dam­aged col­la­gen and stim­u­late the pro­duc­tion of healthy, nor­mal tis­sue. The new col­la­gen that is pro­duced makes scars lighter and less notice­able. And best of all there is lit­tle dis­com­fort and no downtime!


We offer high­ly advanced laser treat­ments to address com­mon skin con­di­tions. This state-of-the art and ver­sa­tile laser sys­tem includes intense pulsed light (IPL), per­ma­nent hair reduc­tion, and frac­tion­al resur­fac­ing treat­ment options. This gives you sim­ple and afford­able ways to treat a wide vari­ety of skin con­di­tions with less risk and supe­ri­or outcomes.


  • Dra­mat­i­cal­ly reduces the appear­ance of wrinkles
  • Out­pa­tient procedure
  • Vir­tu­al­ly painless
  • No down­time


  • Anti-Aging
  • Post Pro­ce­dure
  • Heal­ing