






Showing 24 results for lab

Vascular Lab

Accurate detection of vascular disease depends on powerful diagnostic tools. But only a thorough understanding of image results leads to the best treatment options. The Vascular Lab at Duly Health and Care takes vascular diagnostics to the next level...

Laboratory Services

10/31/2023: Due to staffing limitations, we have made the difficult decision to close some of our walk-in labs temporarily. Please check this page for always up-to-date information and hours for our laboratory services. ...

Cardiac Electrophysiology

Though it’s often easy to take it for granted, the heart is the motor that drives you. Duly Health and Care Cardiac Electrophysiology doctors specialize in studying the electrical conduction system of the heart, and are often referred to as EPs. Duly...

COVID-19 Testing

If you’re expe­ri­enc­ing any COVID-19 symptoms or symp­toms of res­pi­ra­to­ry ill­ness, such as fever, cough, nasal con­ges­tion or short­ness of breath or have had been exposed to some­one with a con­firmed or sus­pect­ed case of COVID-19, our tea...

Billing & Finance

Navigating your care at Duly Welcome to Duly! Our team is ready to partner with you on your path to a healthier life, we believe healthier makes happier. Here are some guidelines and information on how we deliver care and what you can expe...

Mohs Surgery

Mohs micrographic surgery is a step-wise surgical technique to remove skin cancer. This process was first developed by Dr. Frederic Mohs in the 1930s at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Mohs surgery offers the highest cure rate for localized skin...

Anticoagulation Clinics

Duly Health and Care’s Anticoagulation Clinics are staffed by Registered Nurses or Pharmacists with specific training in anticoagulation monitoring. Patients can have their INR levels checked in a few ways: in-office, with results available within 5 ...

Skin Cancer

Blood Work Basics: What to Know About Your Test

There are a few different standard blood tests generally ordered by your physician. Many blood tests don't require any special preparation and take only a few minutes. Other tests may require fasting (not eating any food) for 8 to 12 hours before the...

Why Am I Losing Hair?

The average person sheds between 50-100 hairs per day. As you age, it is normal to experience gradual thinning and breakage of hair.