Sculptra® Lunch & Learn

Duly Aesthetics

12:30pm - 2:00pm
2155 City Gate Lane
Naperville, Illinois 60563

Enhance your Autumn glow with Dr. Shrad­dha Desai and Sculp­tra! Join us to learn about Sculp­tra, an FDA-approved injectable that acti­vates your skin’s nat­ur­al regen­er­a­tive process to help replen­ish col­la­gen and restore volume. 

Dur­ing the event: 

  • Enjoy a com­pli­men­ta­ry lunch
  • Meet with Dr. Desai for a per­son­al­ized consultation 
  • Receive exclu­sive, event-only Sculp­tra pack­age pricing

Get to know our board-cer­ti­fied der­ma­tol­o­gist and plan your next treat­ment to help bring the health­i­est, hap­pi­est ver­sion of your­self to the surface. 

Inter­est­ed in attending? 

Space is lim­it­ed! Reg­is­ter online or call 630−547−5040 to reserve your spot. 

$150 event deposit is required pri­or to the event. The deposit will be applied to your treat­ment if booked dur­ing the event.