Exercise & Fitness

Tommy John Surgery – Get Back to Throwing

Whether from overuse or pitch­ing for an extend­ed peri­od of time, elbow injuries are becom­ing more com­mon in both pro­fes­sion­al and ama­teur ath­letes. As a solu­tion for such injuries, Tom­my John Surgery can be rec­om­mend­ed to patients who are expe­ri­enc­ing symp­toms and who have tried oth­er forms of ther­a­py with­out suc­cess. At DuPage Med­ical Group, our providers are trained to treat patients from surgery through ther­a­py, help­ing you get back into the game. 

Variety and Recovery: Keys to Exercise Success

Think about your cur­rent work­out rou­tine. Is it the same every day? Do you find your­self bored or unmo­ti­vat­ed? Are you no longer see­ing the results you used to? If you answered yes” to any of these ques­tions, you may need to add vari­ety and recov­ery into your rou­tine. These are crit­i­cal ele­ments of any suc­cess­ful exer­cise pro­gram and can ben­e­fit every­one – from work­out enthu­si­asts to those just start­ing to exercise.