Conditions & Diseases

Facial Pox Virus: Molluscum Contagiosum

Mol­lus­cum Con­ta­gio­sum is a skin dis­ease that is caused by the pox virus. The virus enters the skin through a break in the skin. The virus then incu­bates and then growths appear. Mol­lus­ca usu­al­ly look like small flesh col­ored or pink dome shape growths. The have a small cen­tral inden­ta­tion or white core. They often become red and inflamed. They are often found in the folds of the skin but can also appear on the abdomen, chest, groin and face.

9 Things To Make Your Chemotherapy Experience More Comfortable


When you are going through can­cer treat­ment, and more specif­i­cal­ly chemother­a­py, your health care team is there to make sure you are com­fort­able. You will have the lux­u­ry of your own pri­vate reclin­ing chair along with med­ica­tions to help man­age side effects but bring­ing a favorite book, movie, blan­ket or friend can also pro­vide com­fort dur­ing your treat­ments. The num­ber of chemother­a­py ses­sions and dura­tion of each treat­ment will vary from patient to patient and even vis­it to vis­it, but it is help­ful if you bring some things to help pass the time and keep you com­fort­able while receiv­ing treatment.

What's Causing Your Congestion?

As tem­per­a­tures drop and sea­sons change, it’s not uncom­mon to devel­op symp­toms such as nasal con­ges­tion, sneez­ing, itchy eyes, cough­ing, facial pres­sure and body aches. You may shrug off these symp­toms as noth­ing more than a head cold, but they may be caused by sea­son­al aller­gies or a sinus infec­tion which may require dif­fer­ent treat­ments to resolve. To help you deter­mine what’s behind your symp­toms, board-cer­ti­fied oto­laryn­gol­o­gist (ENT), Feodor Ung, MD, shares dif­fer­ences between colds, aller­gies and sinus infec­tions and how you can get symp­tom relief.