Skincare & Aesthetics

Exfoliation: Out With The Old And In With The New

Exfo­li­a­tion involves the removal of dead skin cells on the skin’s out­er­most sur­face. Skin cells renew approx­i­mate­ly every 30 days. If the old cells build up, the appear­ance of skin can be dull, flat and prone to blem­ish­es. The removal of these cells will make your skin appear brighter and youth­ful. In addi­tion, exfo­li­a­tion will improve the pen­e­tra­tion of skin care prod­ucts. In the win­ter months, exfo­li­a­tion is espe­cial­ly impor­tant since skin is dri­er and there is less humid­i­ty in the atmosphere.

What To Expect at Skincare Consultation

Under­stand­ing skin­care can be over­whelm­ing for many. With social media, mag­a­zine ads and skin­care blogs, we are con­stant­ly pre­sent­ed with images of skin­care prod­ucts. These days, even our friends are sell­ing var­i­ous skin­care prod­ucts on social media or at pri­vate par­ties. How do you decide which prod­uct or skin­care line real­ly works and what will be best for you? After all, skin care is not one size fits all”. The job of an Estheti­cian is to be high­ly knowl­edge­able and to pro­vide you with prop­er guid­ance dur­ing a consultation!

What are Growth Factors?

The advance­ment of biotech­nol­o­gy with­in the past decade has allowed for more effec­tive and advanced skin­care prod­ucts than ever before. Der­ma­tol­ogy prac­tices are always in pur­suit of mod­ern tech­niques to improve the qual­i­ty of skin, whether it’s try­ing to reduce rosacea or get­ting rid of tough wrin­kles. In fact, find­ing a prod­uct that can tar­get mul­ti­ple skin con­cerns at once is often one of the biggest chal­lenges for peo­ple look­ing to improve their skin quality.